
Fake flavours, fake uniforms, fake products, fake news…

Fake flavours, fake uniforms, fake products, fake news… It seems that April fools has become nothing more than a box ticking, rinse and repeat strategy for brands each year.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s lighthearted and harmless, but if the purpose of putting out this type of content is to say “Hey look at us, we’re a fun brand with a personality”, then why is it that on April 2nd it’s back to the same old regular programming?

In a content heavy world, shouldn’t it be an always on strategy to be a bit more playful, a bit more edgy and a bit more differentiated to everyone else in your category? Ironically on April 1st it’s become the norm. Maybe it’s best to save the fun for every other day of the year instead.

Has this just become white noise… I’d love to know what any other creatives, strategists or marketers think 🎤